Mythology on Canvas (Part 15)

Clyties of the Mist by Herbert James Draper
Clyties of the Mist by Herbert James Draper

Clyties of the Mist by Herbert James Draper is, to me, an interesting concept painting. “Clyties” can have various meanings, but stands for mountain sprites (or mountain spirits) in this instance. The composition makes use of three figures (as we have seen in examples from previous posts), and this draws the eye. The graceful, windswept, dance-like poses blend with or emerge from the swirling mist while light from above and a background of rugged mountain scenery contribute to the effect. This painting evokes untold stories. Again, what is implied or not shown lends power to the work.

Next week: one more painting by Draper.

3 thoughts on “Mythology on Canvas (Part 15)”

  1. Wonderful! And I notice the light beams, as well as the arms of the upper two sprites direct the eye down to the third, lower sprite, whose arms are directed upward ~ as if in need of rescue ~ directing the eye back to the upper scenery. Quite effective, IMHO.

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