

I have worked for over twenty years as a professor of biology at a small college, and writing fiction provides me with a diversion from the rigors of academia. After a day of dealing with hard facts at my place of work, it is fun to come home and make things up. Exercising my imagination re-charges my intellectual and emotional battery. My undergraduate (B. A. Zoology-Botany, Butler University) and graduate (Ph. D. Molecular Biology, Indiana University) training in science provides me with a framework for developing fantastic creatures and the concepts behind them.

Of perhaps greater importance than these adult considerations are my childhood interests. From an early age, I was fascinated with monsters, whether real or imagined. I am still a sucker for a monster movie with good special effects, and I enjoy a good monster story in literature – classical or recent. A number of years ago, I realized that inside of me there still lived a ten-year-old boy who would rather draw dinosaurs than do his homework, and I decided to start feeding him.

For recreation, I like reading, watching motion pictures (including animation), and bicycling or hiking through beautiful scenery. I engage in these activities for their own sakes and to stimulate my creativity. Modern life can be overly rushed and busy, and I hope that my readers can discover for themselves the art of slowing down and expanding time through the enjoyment of simplicity, nature, and the creative works of others.

I can be contacted via this site or email: jonesy(dot)robert3(at)gmail(dot)com

21 thoughts on “Author”

    1. In answer to your question, I think it’s a blend of the first two things you mentioned. As the title of my blog page suggests, I especially like to write stories that create a new mythology. Then I try to use as much fact as I can to make the fantasy more plausible.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Thanks for your like and comment on Bard of Tweeddale. I should probably tell you that we’re both in the business of writing fiction! Nevil is a pseudonym. I’m Colin. Hi.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love this line: “A number of years ago, I realized that inside of me there still lived a ten-year-old boy who would rather draw dinosaurs than do his homework, and I decided to start feeding him.” So evocative.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Robert, after reading the prologue and Chapter 1, I bought Part I of The Dogwood Legacy today. Thank you for a safe place to revisit my own earlier (and childhood) interests.
    Maria Tatham

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Robert, I’ve already begun to enjoy it and am expecting to continue to. I like your style; both active and passive voices are part of good style. Talk to you later!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Bob, I neglected to let you know that I enjoyed the first two books of The Dogwood Legacy – well done! Want to read the third book. Lord bless you!

    Liked by 2 people

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