Ancient To Modern: Borrowed Gods (3)


He is the god of thunder, lightning, and strength, etc. Odin and Freya are his parents. His attributes make for some impressive imagery. As examples, consider the following paintings.

Thor's Battle Against the Jotnar (1872) by Marten Eskil Winge
Thor’s Battle Against the Jotnar (1872) by Marten Eskil Winge
Thor and the Midgard Serpent (1905) by Emil Doepler
Thor and the Midgard Serpent (1905) by Emil Doepler

Thor is only one of the Norse gods which Marvel Comics has borrowed. He first landed in August of 1962.


As is often the case, the artwork grew more sophisticated over the years. I must confess, however, that I have developed a real appreciation and enjoyment of the artwork of the Silver Age of Comics. It is the style I grew up with.

Credit: Marvel Comics
Credit: Marvel Comics

How can I resist showing this representation by Alex Ross?


The Disney Marvel franchise has produced some interesting refinements for application to the big screen. In so doing, they have produced some truly iconic imagery for their characters, including Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth). Some fans have complained that the movies have changed the way that these characters are drawn and described in the comics. One additional thing that I like about the Thor movies I have seen is how they mix Norse mythology with science fiction.

Picture credit: Disney Marvel
Picture credit: Disney Marvel

One of my favorite visual sequences was of Thor summoning lightning from atop the Chrysler Building in New York during the great battle with alien invaders in the first Avengers movie. That’s all for now. Next time, another week, another god.

11 thoughts on “Ancient To Modern: Borrowed Gods (3)”

    1. Now that you mention it, this reminds me of one of my peeves: not respecting a creative work because it doesn’t make other people’s statements for them. Rather than demanding representation, I would prefer to see them make their own offerings in whatever way is available. That’s basically what most of us have to do.

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      1. In this case, I guess, the “stormers” complain that the women making their statement have taken away their previous statement, but that’s ridiculous. The original statement (ie: Ghostbusters the movie) is still here and they can watch it whenever they want to. What’s so wrong with sharing your toys?

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  1. For me, Thor is really the best “crossover” mythological character. He is my favorite of Norse mythology characters, as well as one of my favorite Marvel comics characters. But, I must admit that the movie versions were a let down for me.

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    1. Since I had no prior expectations, I actually enjoyed the first Thor movie for some highly personal reasons. I do appreciate the humor that the movies instill in this character. I am just now working my way through the Prose Edda, and I am only recently becoming familiar with the original mythological character.

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